#1 Indicator of Quality
Teachers are the heartbeat to our program !
The #1 indicator of quality in child care is the teacher. We are very selective in the hiring process of our team members. We look for education and experience in the early childhood field. Each applicant must go through at least 2 interviews, a background check and drug screening before they can be considered for hire.

Once the applicant becomes a team member, they are trained for up to 5 days in the policies and procedures of our company, as well as being observed in the classroom interacting with the children.

Most of our team then goes through the TECTA 30 hour Orientation training for Early Childhood Staff at Austin Peay State University. We also use state trainers to come into the classrooms to train and observe our teachers. Our local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency provides this technical assistance at no cost to our company. We appreciate how our state understands the value of training and mentoring our team.
Several of our team hold a Child Development Associates Credential, Early Childhood Certificates, as well as degrees in the Early Childhood field. We encourage our team to continue their professional development by attending trainings and workshops.
Monthly team meetings are held for training, up-dated information, professional development planning, turning in of curriculum plans and projects, as well as some fun team building activities.
The Village Preschools
and Early Education Centers of Tennessee
Where Learning & Love Go Hand in Hand
Call us today!
St. Bethlehem 931-648-4370 - Woodlawn 931-572-0099
  Sango 931-494-5857